Maverick Leer

Maverick Leer




Milwaukee, Wisconsin


生物学, Paleontology Track



Maverick Leer ’26 was able to research growth in eurypterids (ancient sea scorpions) as part of his Summer Undergraduate Research Experience at Carthage. He recovered a growth series for Eurypterus remipes to show how the animals changed over the course of their lives. He is excited to continue this research for his independent study and senior thesis project.

Learn about Carthage research opportunities


“The 生物学 Department at Carthage has strong research opportunities and lots of interesting classes to take. The professors are helpful and are very good to get to know.”

Maverick Leer, ’26

Why Carthage?

“Carthage has a beautiful campus, a good undergraduate Paleontology program, and it’s close to home if I want to leave for a weekend or break.”

教师 mentors

“Carthage faculty have given me tools to start succeeding before I’ve even started my career, with both research opportunities and by simply teaching my classes. I know I can always turn to them if I need help or have questions.”

Favorite class

“This semester, I’m taking Entomology, a class focused on the study of insects, and it’s a blast. Most people are afraid of bugs, but it’s truly fascinating how different they are from us. I’m also interested in the invertebrate side of paleontology, so learning about the modern analogs of prehistoric invertebrates is very helpful.”

Toughest class

“Organic Chemistry, which I was informed would be a tough class, has been my hardest. It’s a very involved class that requires a lot of work outside of the class periods.”

Campus involvement

“I’m a member of the Paleontology Club, which isn’t just for paleo students. The club is very inclusive and seeks to educate people on the misconceptions of paleontology. Sometimes the club has game or movie nights. I’m also the secretary of the Entomology Club, which does basically the same thing but for bugs. Additionally, we have live pets, including a young tarantula and a colony of African hissing cockroaches.”

Golden opportunities

“I’ve been able to go to a couple of conferences for the paleontology track to see how research is presented in a professional setting, and I’m going to one soon to present my own research. In addition, I plan to participate in a summer j项 class in Montana in the Hells Creek Formation to dig for dinosaurs.”


“I plan to go to graduate school to receive a master’s degree in paleontology and then do research.”

Favorite spot on campus

“我喜欢 橡树 休息室. They’re very spacious, and I often have game nights there with friends. It’s also a good spot to go and relax. In the basement of 橡树 buildings are music practice rooms that I also go to frequently to play piano.”

Favorite memory

“I came here knowing nobody, and I’m proud of myself for finding friends among this vast sea of diverse people. I have a group that I can rely on for studying, getting dinner, and having some good laughs with.”

Biggest surprise

“I never would have anticipated how interconnected things are here. Clubs and organizations frequently collaborate, bringing different groups of people together. People of all majors come together at sports games to cheer on their friends, classmates, or neighbors. It’s not necessarily a surprise since I would hope for each individual group to be able to interact with others in a positive manner, but it’s certainly uplifting to see.”