There are more than 130 active student clubs and organizations at Carthage, 他们都为学生们提供了建立友谊的好方法, 参与他们感兴趣的事情, 或者只是找点乐子. 每学期都有新的组织诞生!




黑人学生会是一个多元化的组织, 股本, and inclusion organization committed to empowering and uplifting the voices and experiences of Black students on campus. The club focuses on building community and releasing stress through fun events and by championing new cultural experiences.

“My favorite Carthage memories have to be my trips with the 黑人学生会 — the 75 Years of Black Excellence Gala and the skating party we had with Parkside.” ——吉娜·海耶斯25岁




Were you a high school athlete who didn’t continue competing in college? Maybe you’ve never played a sport before, and you’re looking to expand your horizons! Ultimate Frisbee is a growing international sport with a dedicated community and plenty of room to become the above-average athlete you know you can be. 闪电战是美国终极组织的男女俱乐部, and competition is held up to a national level depending on how far you’re willing to take it. 无论你是否在寻找一种保持活跃的方法, 寻找竞争, 或者只是在寻找新的爱好, 加入闪电战是实现这一切的方法!

“我决定加入校园里的极限飞盘俱乐部. It is something I have never done before and I wanted to try it out. 我最惊讶的是我是多么喜欢它! I have the best teammates and have made great friends because of joining. 我能保持活跃,并有这么多的乐趣,而做它.”罗西·埃勒,24岁




博彩网址大全活动委员会 (CAB) is one of the largest student organizations on campus. CAB selects, plans, promotes, and produces fun and entertaining campus events every week! CAB是参与博彩网址大全的最好方式之一. 当你加入CAB时, 你将决定哪些活动被带到校园, and you get to then be a part of all of the planning and hosting of each event too. And let us not forget about all of the friendships made along the way.

“I love CAB because it has given me opportunities I would have never gotten, 比如看我第一次现场百老汇音乐剧, 亲爱的埃文·汉森,,票价仅为10美元! 也, I saw the Milwaukee Admirals game and a Scotty McCreery concert on ice; the night also included a reserved food table just for Carthage. CAB has also helped me improve my planning, leadership, and time management skills.” ——Kelly Sibert, 25岁




你喜欢读书吗? 你希望你有更多爱读书的朋友吗? Do you ever read a book and wish for nothing more than to talk about that book with someone else who’s read it? 博彩网址大全读书俱乐部是为你准备的! 我们读的书是你投票选的,所以来提出一个关于书的想法吧! The club is for anyone and everyone who wants to share their love of reading with someone else on campus.

“我一直很喜欢阅读, and Book Club gives me a community of people to talk to about what I am reading. 这也促使我为了乐趣而阅读, which is nice because it can be hard to find time to do that with classes and homework.” ——艾米莉·范·迪克斯霍恩26岁




给它一个机会,种一些植物! Join the 博彩网址大全园艺俱乐部 to learn more about all kinds of plants, 研讨会, 实地考察旅行, 交易, 筹款, 还有更多! 与其他植物爱好者一起享受温馨的环境.

“I had the opportunity to take over the 园艺俱乐部 and got to work in the campus greenhouse, 种植东西和计划会议. I absolutely love this club so much — the people are so amazing and fun. 校园里所有的植物人都有我的心.”玛丽·海伦·普林斯,24岁




The mission of 第一代俱乐部 is to develop a sense of community and camaraderie between first-generation college students navigating college life. It is a student-led organization dedicated to helping not only students who are the first in their families to go to college, 还有无证学生, DACA学生, 国际学生, and all people who identify with any aspect of the first-generation experience.

“在第一代, we help incoming first-generation students navigate campus and provide them with resources to help them build their social and academic network.”胡安·戈麦斯-索利斯25岁





武术俱乐部 focuses on introducing and appreciating martial arts such as taekwondo, 合气道, 太极, 和更多的. 我们是学生经营,教和学习尽我们的能力. This club primarily focuses on self-defense, technique, and having fun! It’s a nice way to get a different type of workout while relieving stress. 

“My roommate and I decided to go to the first 武术俱乐部 meeting in the fall, 现在我们喜欢练习跆拳道, 柔道, 和其他同学一起打太极.”Serena Richardson, 24岁




For students looking to break out of their comfort zones or interested in the improv side of 喜剧, “纯粹玩家”是你的团体! Auditions are at the start of every semester and practices focus on building performance, 喜剧, 还有即兴表演的技巧.

“仅仅是玩家是一个即兴表演团体,每周聚会三次. 玩游戏和表演让人们发笑是很有趣的.”杰西·斯科西,26岁


Mi Gente

Mi Gente  

Mi Gente aims to educate club members about Hispanic culture: historical events, 生活方式, 传统, 宗教, 和海关. 不需要懂这种语言. The group welcomes everyone in discussions of current events that affect Hispanics, promoting the Hispanic culture at Carthage and in the surrounding community, 并为俱乐部成员提供支持系统. Mi Gente encourages members to perform voluntary community service to increase Hispanic families’ awareness of programs at Carthage, while increasing the value that these families place on education. 

“Mi Gente holds an extraordinary place in my heart, and I am so glad I joined this organization. I can meet with other Hispanic/Latino students on campus who relate with me on every level. I also appreciate that we help our members with scholarship opportunities. Being part of the Latino community on campus motivates me to be better not only for myself, 但对组织来说也是如此.”何塞·安东尼奥·卢莱 ’26

Mi Gente



速度咨询 is a full-service marketing agency run entirely by Carthage students. Members gain incredible experience and build a strong portfolio while providing marketing, 品牌, 平面设计, web开发, 会计, 金融, 产品测试, 并为地区企业和非营利组织提供编辑服务.

“速度给了我真正适用的工作经验. If you want to understand real problems that occur in the business world, I recommend 速度.” ——埃尔南德斯26岁



博彩网址大全有很多学生组织. 通过访问来探索我们所有的俱乐部 港口.