Carth年龄 offers organizations focused on diversity and equity that represent disadvant年龄d social identities like race, class, 性别, 性取向, 宗教, 年龄, 国籍, 和能力. 要了解更多关于博彩网址大全的学生组织,请访问 港口是博彩网址大全的在线参与平台. 

学生们在黑人学生会的摊位上 黑人学生会(BSU)

BSU为其成员提供领导机会, sponsors 活动 that furnish social and academic enrichment for black students, and works to strengthen the im年龄 of black students in the Carth年龄 community. BSU aims to build respect and tolerance between all races and foster a unified bond between all students. 这个小组对所有感兴趣的学生开放.


The LGBT Student Association is a student-run group that is focused on educational events, 社交聚会, 以及围绕LGBTQIA+问题的倡导. Meetings are held every week and switch each week between social events and educational conversations. 事件 are also held each semester for the larger Carth年龄 community to eng年龄 in education on the LGBTQIA+ 社区.”


有色人种酷儿学生,简称QSOC, is an organization that aims to create more safe spaces for Queer students of color to thrive and gain support. QSOC focuses on uniting students and educating others on the underrepresentation of Queer people at Carth年龄. 

Mi Gente组织的学生在返校节游行中行走. Mi Gente

成立于1999年, Mi Gente educates club members about Hispanic culture: historical events, 生活方式, 传统, 宗教, 和海关. 该组织讨论影响拉美裔的时事, promotes the Hispanic culture at Carth年龄 and in the surrounding community, 并为俱乐部成员提供支持系统. Mi Gente encour年龄s members to perform voluntary community service to increase Hispanic families’ awareness of programs at Carth年龄 while increasing the value that these families place on education. The group motivates and develops the self-esteem of its members through their involvement in the organization’s 活动 and advocates for the advancement of Hispanics in the United States.


有色人种妇女联合会提供领导机会, 举办活动,以丰富其成员的社会和学术, 强化了博彩网址大全社会中少数民族女性的形象, 并致力于在所有学生之间建立尊重和宽容. 会员资格对所有学生开放.


亚太地区致力于推广, 庆祝, and educating the Carth年龄 and greater 出赛 communities about Asian and Pacific Islander culture. 会议包括活动, 演讲, and events with an aim to help people learn more about culture in the Asian continent and feel more comfortable with different ways of life and perspectives.


博彩网址大全学院犹太学生会(JSU), formerly the Jewish Awareness Association is a group of multiple denominations of Jewish students, 盟友, 以及想要更多了解犹太教的学生. 我们与基诺沙犹太社区密切合作, 允许学生在校园里进行宗教活动. We hold social events around celebrations as well as soup socials to strengthen our campus community. 我们也让人们了解犹太人的传统和历史, 为博彩网址大全社区举办面向公众的活动. 我们希望在博彩网址大全提高人们对犹太教的认识, ensuring the campus is religiously tolerant and creating a culture of curiosity around 宗教. 我们通过校内活动来做到这一点, 校外实地考察, 和社交媒体(Instagram @carth年龄jsu). 同盟关系也是JSU的重要组成部分, with Jewish 盟友 being an important part of the push for equity in America throughout history. 从NAACP的成立到马丁·路德·金的民权运动, 到2020年“黑人的命也是命”运动, Jewish 盟友 have been on the front lines of making America a better place. 我们从历史上的犹太裔美国人身上汲取灵感, 并自豪地倡导多样性, 股本, 与校园融合. We hope you are interested in joining Carth年龄’s Jewish Student Union to learn more about Judaism and be a part of Carth年龄’s Jewish community. If you would like to learn more please do not hesitate to reach out to us!


YES was created in the spring of 2010 and is the student component of Voces de la Frontera. Voces is Wisconsin’s leading immigrant rights group - a grassroots organization that believes power comes from below and that people can overcome injustice to build a better world. Our Workers’ Centers in Milwaukee and Racine support immigrant and low-w年龄 workers through legal clinics, “了解你的权利”培训, 英语课, 公民身份类, 和更多的. Our campaigns on civil rights and social justice issues have mobilized thousands to take collective action - and our members have become leaders in community organizing.


This club focuses on the inclusion and appreciation of Native peoples here at Carth年龄 and all around the world. We went to shed light on the importance of indigenous students and members. We honor and strive to promote the land, history, and overall influence of Native Americans. We want the Indigenous students at Carth年龄 to embrace their culture and support them to thrive in and out of the classroom.


The Muslim Society Awareness/Association’s purpose within 博彩网址大全 is to create an environment that is open to those who practice their faith on campus, 在社区里, 在这个世界上. 以及想要更多了解信仰的学生! 这个组织既是一个意识组织,也是一个协会. 你可以选择这个俱乐部对你意味着什么! 我们是包容的,欢迎每个人加入. MSA不仅仅是关于伊斯兰教和宗教, 我们也想让学生没有压力, 进行实地考察, 有聚会, 并与他人和谐共处.

1G -第一代俱乐部 

The First Generation Club works to develop a sense of community and camaraderie between students who are first-generation college students navigating through college. You are a first gen student if your parents/guardians did not complete a 4-year/bachelor’s degree. This student-led organization supports students who are the first in their family to go to college along with any student who identifies with any aspect of that experience (DACA students, 国际学生, 等). All students, first generation or not, are welcome to be part of the organization. 在一起, 我们通过定期会议建立社区, 指导, 志愿服务机会, 听会话, 社交媒体, 还有更多. We hope to help students excel from their first year to life beyond Carth年龄!


欢迎来到日语俱乐部! Our goal is to learn more about Japanese culture and langu年龄 through meetings, 活动, 实地考察. 日本俱乐部 is open to everyone, not just those with a Japanese degree. Stop by our club meetings to learn about things like Japanese 宗教, 生活方式, 节日, 动画/漫画, 还有更多! 我们每周五下午5:00-6:00在Lentz 229见面.

了解更多关于这些学生组织的信息 港口.