
以美国心理学会的蓝图为基础, 博彩网址大全向学生展示了心理学的五个核心研究领域——发展, 认知, 生物, 社会/人格, 以及心理/身体健康——并欢迎学生们深入研究他们感兴趣的专业. 心理学专业的学生在课堂上学习研究技巧,并将其应用于实验室, 最终打开了独立研究的大门.


  • 心理学

  • 心理学






  • Luke Ehlert ?24

    “The professors are truly passionate about their research and teaching, which in turn made me more passionate about research and learning. My relationships with my professors are the thing I love the most about Carthage.”

  • Shahrazad Shahin ?26

    “My heart would skip a beat every time I saw the campus and looked at all the banners around the school. That’s when I knew this was the college for me.”

  • Lin Sensenbrenner

    “Carthage faculty and staff have helped me feel welcomed on campus, and they engage in a hands-on and personal way with my learning.”

  • Amber Redmond

    “Growing up, I always thought college wouldn’t be for me and everyone did their own thing, but Carthage is a strong community and everyone wants to see you succeed.”

  • Zoey Kurka

    “The Carthage faculty are amazing. My professors taught me so much and inspired me to enjoy the work I do in the classroom. The encouragement I’ve received from them has been one of my greatest helpers at college.”

  • Bradley Szubryt ?26

    “I had a gut feeling Carthage was where I belonged. I trusted my gut, and I am proud I did.”

  • Summer Zilisch

    “I chose Carthage because of its exceptional academic programs, supportive community, and commitment to fostering growth. The College’s reputation for personalized education aligns perfectly with my aspiration to excel as a double major/minor student.” 

  • Savita Chandarana

    “Carthage has something for everyone, allowing you to make friends with similar interests and share your passions with others.”

  • Jude Dzurak

    “The biggest surprise so far has been the fun things I get to do in some of my classes. Each class has had an interesting experience and something unique to it that has made it fun.”


博彩网址大全心理学专业的学生所接受的训练不仅仅是心理学的内容(行为理论和心理过程), 而且在科学的过程中,我们对心灵的理解也是如此. 当他们学习心理学中科学探究的模式时, 他们在实践中运用心理科学的五大支柱:

  • 生物 -研究大脑和行为,通常在非人类
  • 认知 -研究心理过程,尤其是人类
  • 发展 ——研究人一生中的行为
  • 社会与人格 -研究人与人之间的个体差异和相互作用
  • 身心健康 -学习提高和促进健康的技巧

学生们把他们的研究精力集中在他们最感兴趣的领域,获得在系内实验室工作的第一手经验. 计划从事健康或社会服务工作的学生可以参加博彩网址大全的实地考察项目. 三分之一的心理学专业学生有第二专业,其中许多是在类似的领域 神经科学 or 刑事司法. 超过一半的人会继续读研究生.




研究是内置到博彩网址大全的经验,通过所需的高级论文和选项,如付费 本科暑期研究经历. 持续的焦点包括魔法的心理基础, 手写文字感知, 妊娠期的气味记忆和感知, 应激生理反应, 选择大学专业. 许多学生在专业聚会上展示他们的作品.


  • 妊娠期的气味记忆和气味感知
  • 魔术和幻觉的心理基础
  • 同伴关系中的亲社会行为
  • 压力带来的心理和生理后果
  • 对死亡和来世的理解
  • 一生中幽默的发展


Pre-Health: 有抱负的卫生保健专业人员经常咨询健康前协调员,以选择符合他们能力和目标的课程.


职业疗法: 在这个双学位项目中, 学生们在博彩网址大全学习三年,然后在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学完成硕士或临床博士学位. 路易.



很大比例的校友进入研究生院专攻心理学的一个分支领域或攻读法律, 公共卫生, 社会工作, 或者职业疗法. 最终,毕业生找到了以下雇主的职位:

  • 幼儿教育学院
  • Sensient技术
  • KGH自闭症服务
  • 夸尔斯 & 布雷迪LLP)
  • 好事达
  • 湖县女青年会(伊利诺伊州.)
  • 凯业必达招聘筛选
  • SC约翰逊
