What resources does the library offer?

Hedberg Library has a collection of Print Books, Magazines, BluRay/DVDs, Classical Music CDs, New Releases, Children’s Books, and a huge variety of Research Databases and eBooks. Search the Collection for more information.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

在进行研究和使用资源时,请牢记版权. 在许多情况下,对教材的教育用途(合理使用)给予特别考虑. Please see the Copyright webpage for further information.

Who May Borrow from the Library?

In order to borrow library materials, 一个人与博彩网址大全学院有以下几种联系. 这种关系的性质将决定所提供服务的级别.

Learn more about checking out equipment


28 days; 90 days (faculty)

DVD / Blu-ray (non-print) 7 days
Laptops and media equipment 3 days
Periodicals Non-circulating
Course Reserves Varies (2 hours/4 hours/24 hours/3 days/7 days)


Laptops and media equipment cannot be renewed. 读者必须归还图书并等待一小时后才能再次借阅. 这个宽限期为其他用户提供了访问该项目的权限. 所有其他项目(书籍、DVD、蓝光)最多可以续借三次.

For students, all fines and fees will be sent to the Office of Student Financial Services 要添加到学生的帐户,并可以在那里支付. 对于教职员工,所有罚款将被发送到用户所在部门进行支付. Hedberg Library does not take in money for fines.

Fees on General Collection Items

博彩网址大全图书馆不收取逾期资料的每日罚款. However, materials in the General Collection (books, 逾期30天或以上的DVD/蓝光光碟将收取25美元的更换费用.

If you have lost an item from the library collection, 您可以选择购买该物品的相同副本(流通设备除外)作为丢失物品的直接替代品. 如果丢失的物品已绝版或不再可用, 经图书馆员许可,可购买该物品的类似版本作为替代品. 如果您更换物品或退回逾期物品,将退还25美元的更换费用. 

如果您对这个替代选项感兴趣,或者对一般的馆藏罚款有疑问,请与图书馆管理员联系 help@daeyeongenb.com.

Returning Materials

海德伯格图书馆要求归还所有从图书馆借阅的资料. 在图书馆借阅台的左边有一辆还书车. 另一个借书室位于图书馆门的右侧,在Hedberg大楼内. 请注意:外部图书归还不能归还设备。请确保你只归还图书馆拥有的图书.

这些用户有资格获得全方位的服务,并且必须出示 current Carthage College ID card.

  • Currently enrolled Carthage students
  • Current Carthage faculty and staff
  • Retired Carthage faculty, administrators, and staff

If you are not a Carthage community member, as specified above, 你需要一张特殊借阅卡才能借阅资料.

以下类别的用户可透过“特别借阅者卡”获得有限的服务, available at the Circulation Desk:

  • Carthage alumni (must show valid Alumni Card)
  • 博彩网址大全教职员工/退休直系亲属
  • Carthage food service staff
  • Carthage Public Safety staff
  • Carthage Bookstore staff
  • 提供学生证的教育工作者(教师、图书管理员、管理人员等).)
  • 威斯康星大学帕克赛德分校的学生,教师和工作人员(必须出示威斯康星大学帕克赛德分校的身份证)
  • 网关技术学院的学生、教师和工作人员(必须出示网关ID)
  • Clergy/Torchbearers in Kenosha or Racine Counties
  • Academic Advisory Committee members
  • Honorary degree recipients
  • Trustee and immediate family
  • Guest users who sign up for a Hedberg library card


特殊借阅证申请表可在海德堡图书馆借阅处索取. The completed form must be submitted to the Library Circulation Desk (for guest users only); cards will be created as you wait. 福利只适用于获得该卡一年的个人.

18岁以下人士如欲访客参观,必须由家长/监护人签署申请表. Carthage does not restrict access to Internet sites, media, or printed materials, 所以父母应该仔细考虑是否要让未成年的孩子接触到各种各样的互联网和图书馆资源. 14岁以下的未成年人将不会获发特别借阅者卡.


  • 每次最多可借阅6件物品
  • Use of desktop computers in the library
  • Access to printer and copy machines (fee per copy)


  • Use of materials in the library
  • Use of desktop computers in the library
  • 使用打印机和复印机(每页打印费用)


  • Interlibrary Loan
  • Checking out computing equipment and laptops
  • Use of computers and locations other than the Library

所有用户都可以访问赫德伯格图书馆的资源, including computers, print materials, and library space (with the exception of equipment). 我们要求访客(不需要借书证)出示适当的身份证件,并在问讯处的“访客签到”表上签名. 客人可以使用图书馆内的打印机,但必须在服务台签到并支付打印/复印费用.

如果您是校园会议或特殊活动的一部分,请联系 Event and Conference Services to set up access to LIS services (WiFi, printing, etc.)

Patrons Under Age 14

海德伯格图书馆欢迎儿童,只要有大人陪同即可. 14岁以下儿童不得进入图书馆,除非有家长或监护人陪同. If unaccompanied children are found in the library, 工作人员将联系校园保安报告情况并寻求帮助.

Revocation of Visitor Privileges

如果访客不遵守本文件的指引,其特殊借阅证可能会被吊销,并可能被拒绝使用图书馆资源. Grounds for revocation of guest privileges include:

  • Failure to return library materials in a timely fashion
  • Failure to pay fines
  • 损坏任何图书馆资料或设备或设施
  • Non-compliance with computer, library, 以及《博彩网址大全学生社区守则》中描述的互联网使用规则
  • Failure to cooperate with library staff
  • Misrepresentation of information on the application

在撤销咭前无须给予警告. 如果客人特权被取消,费用将不予退还.