Students participating in space sciences projects typically spend at least one summer working on their 研究 as a Carthage Summer Undergraduate Research Experience fellow. Students are then encouraged to apply for a Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium or NASA internship or continue their 研究 on campus.


The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) at Carthage offers students in all majors the opportunity to engage in collaborative full-time 研究 with professors. Students work closely with faculty mentors on a new or developing line of 研究.

Students selected to participate in SURE spend 10 weeks doing 研究 full time (40 hours per week) with a faculty mentor. SURE fellows receive a stipend and campus housing/meals.

All SURE students and faculty mentors maintain regular communication with one another, during which students present their progress. 在节目的最后, students are required to write a project report and display their findings at a poster session for the Carthage community.


NASA Center internships are intensive residential experiences at a NASA Center. These take place over the summer and/or for a school semester.

The Academies are intensive educational programs emphasizing group activities, 团队合作, 研究, 和创造力. The curriculum balances direct contact with science and engineering R & D .具有管理意识, 政治, 金融, 社会, and human issues faced by aerospace professionals. 包括研讨会, 非正式的讨论, 晚上的讲座, 监督研究, 参观其他NASA中心, 和设施, 集团项目/秒, 旅游, 海报/演示, 和评估. Additionally, most weekends are filled with group activities, team building, and off-site trips.

Learn more about NASA Center internships

Through generous funding from the NASA Science 任务 Directorate Bridge Program, Carthage students are invited to participate in a year-long program to build 研究 技能 and career readiness for participating in the space industry. Selected students participate in collaborative 研究 and career preparation through both on-campus coursework and laboratory 研究 at Carthage and at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.



  • Application-based cohort of five physics students per year
  • $8,000 stipend for one summer of 研究 at Johnson Space Center Power and Propulsion division
  • 参与 Aspire中心 实习和MAP徽章项目
  • Research in next-generation systems for in-space propellant transfer between high-pressure tanks and venting of those tanks to space

Students will work with NASA subject matter experts (SMEs) Kevin Crosby and Eric Hurlbert on the study of acoustic control of helium bubble dynamics and ullage formation in high-pressure tank systems. 最终, this work informs the problem of transferring propellant from a service tank to a client tank during an in-space refueling operation.


工作期间 位置 课程要求 研究/实验室经验 承诺
秋季学期 博彩网址大全 GNR 1100实习介绍 Carthage 空间科学 Lab: Introduction to Acoustics; High-speed imaging of bubbles 每周6小时实验室实习;
1 hour/week course meetings; 1 hour/ week homework; 参与 The Aspire MAP program
春季学期 博彩网址大全   Carthage 空间科学 Lab: Introduction to Acoustics; High-speed imaging of bubbles 每周6小时实验室实习;
1 hour/week course meetings; 1 hour/ week Mentor meetings; 参与 the Aspire MAP program
夏季学期 休斯敦约翰航天中心 NASA中心需要培训 Work at the JSC EP Division laboratories on concept implementation and testing 中心全职带薪实习10周

GNR 1100实习介绍
This course will increase student knowledge of internship opportunities centered around personal interests, 技能, 和价值观. Students will gain valuable 技能 in self-assessment and internship 研究. Topics covered include the following: professional document development (resume, 投资组合, LinkedIn的资料, 等.), 寻找实习机会策略, 寻找实习机会的资源, 面试准备, 目标设定, and professional 技能 to be utilized in the professional internship experience.

Aspire计划 at Carthage provides a comprehensive four-year career preparation program, which helps students develop a dynamic approach to goal-setting and life skill-building with emphasis on building 技能 in career development, 创业, 领导, 和创造力. 这个项目, MAP, tracks students’ progress through the nine competencies of the program and helps them document and connect their engagement inside/outside the classroom to these competencies. This allows students to reflect on their experiences eliciting growth related to these competencies.  

Sierra Space provides industry experience to full-time students attending a Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) academic affiliate institution. Many of these students go on to work in the aerospace sector. WSGC works with other industry members to offer similar opportunities. 

Each year, WSGC awards $25,000 to Wisconsin companies providing a 1:1 Industry Internship Award. 奖金从2500美元到15000美元不等.
